Archive for June, 2010

Design is about making peple care

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

Pete Wendel shared with me a great article, its old, but a goodie. Here are what I think are the absolute highlights from “Will Meaningful Brand Experiences Disrupt Your Market” by David Norton.

1980s – Consumers satisfied w/products & services that combined a compelling brand image with unique design features (things from The Sharper Image store)
1990s – Consumers demand experiences (cruises and theme restaurants)
2000s – Consumers demand meaningful brand experiences (American Girl Place)

This Disruptive Innovation Shift is “people . . . getting goods, services, and experiences that are more meaningful, that produce cultural capital.”

.”… think like a social entrepreneur. How can you realize the most value for consumers in a way that improves their ability to share, learn, be transformed, and care? How can you be the channel by which things that matter happen?”

We have progressed from design being about making things simple and easy to design being about making people care.”


Will Meaningful Brand Experiences Disrupt Your Market? By David W. Norton in Design Management Review Fall 2005

Insights & Highlights from Internet Retailer Conference and Exhibition

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

Internet Retailer Conference and Exhibition, June 8-11, 2010, McCormick Place West, Chicago, IL, America’s Largest E-Commerce Event

6,000 Attendees, 175 Expert Speakers, and 407Exhibiting Companies

IRCE 2010 Time to Reboot – Get Ready for E-Retailing’s Return to Double-Digit Growth

The conference started off with the keynote given by our own president -Imran Jooma who spoke about mobile commerce and social media. He showed some great videos that showed how our products and services play out in the everyday life of our customers.

Kurt Peters, the editor in Chief, Internet Retailer gave a stat that in 2009 online experienced a 10%. Then he said that channel neutrality is dead and that equal investing in both offline and online is not the way to go.

Two of the more interesting examples talked about were

Dennis McEniry of Estee Lauder talked about how “A worldwide brand goes world wide on the web” and how they has a great global website that was localized through country specific skin care videos. “Don’t be on social if you’re not on brand.” He also talked about twitter use and how they use it to reinforce their authority to talk about certain topics. It is also interesting that they use their service counter reps to do online service part time in the store, or when they go home. And how in Germany how they adopted using “open invoice” which isn’t in use anywhere else in the world, but accounts for 60% of their orders. He also cautioned about mobile commerce being very different country to country.

Moosejaw talked about engagement. That more engaged users are ones who have more purchased products.  They have a very funky brand.

Paul Bovisant, the lead product manager from yahoo talked about spotting incompatible buyer groups/messaging and seeing those as opportunity to split off this product line to a new buyer persona. Such as dog collars for house pet owners versus hunting dog owners.

Eric Peterson, CEO & Chief Consultant, Web Analytics Demystified. figuring out spending your money. He said that in terms of staffing you would take your budget and put 50% toward people and 50% on technology.

Geoffrey Robertson, GM & VP, ecommerce, Whitney Automotive Group talk about how his company has become internet centric.  In the last 9 years, the company has shifted from 5% Internet sales to 80%. He asked, “Have you challenged your culuture?” “Do you view technology as a cost center or a revenue generating engine.”

Tony Ellison of Shoplet presented on “Competing Against Industry Giants.” Showed a case study of the “Green Your Cart” Tool.  Which added a button labeled “See the Green Alternative” to the product’s sell story.

Stephanie Tilenius, Vice President of ecommerce at Google. She talked about the four big trends: Mobile, Social, Personalized, and Local. And went in depth into each. Then she differentiated between “the PC-web versus the Mobile-web.” She gave examples of seeing spikes in the mobile-web during commute time and weekends. Though her presentation was titled on ecommerce, it seemed that mobile was the most important; so much that she said they are “betting on mobile first.”

Andrew Daniel, Jim McNally, and Dennis Schleicher went to the IRCE 2010 Conference

Social, Mobile, UGC = Bipeds with opposable thumbs that live in groups

Thursday, June 10th, 2010

What’s old is new again.

Companies are focusing on the trends of Mobile, Social, and User Generated Content. If you look at humans as a species, we are bipeds with opposable thumbs that live in groups.

Bipeds – Locomotion (walking, running, or hopping) around from place to place.
Opposable Thumbs – This is what led to the development of tools and the accurate fine motor skills made possible writing.
Live in Groups – People do not spread out and disperse across open space, we live close to others, work close to others, and have fun close to others. It is extremely rare to find a person who chooses to live completely alone.

New………………… Old
Mobile                    Bipedal
Social.                     Live in groups
Content creator    Opposable thumbs.