Posts Tagged ‘social media’

“The greater strengths of weaker ties ” in The Facebook Era – Highlights from the book by Clara Shih

Monday, December 21st, 2009

The Facebook Era: Tapping Online Social Networks to Build Better Products, Reach new Audiences, and Sell More Stuff by Clara Shih

I enjoyed the book and am looking forward to hearing her speak tomorrow at the Sears Headquarters at Hoffman Estates tomorrow.  The most important concept for me was what I term “the greater strengths of weaker ties.” In that I am referring to these weaker ties that Shih talks about in the new “modes of interaction” and “new categories of lower commitment relationships.” Our cultural invention of these new types of modes is amazing. This is the basis of what I see for her “Democratization of Business” in which people not only have a voice that is heard, but the power to act and own their own online identities. It isn’t B2C is it B+C.

Quotes from the book that I thought most important. Or what I call 5 star ideas.

(pix) “Bringing together social networking with enterprise applications represents the next phase in this evolution.”

(px) “… mashing up business with consumer social networking sites.”

(pxi) “In an age where traditional advertising influence is dropping like a rock, we have looked to social networking as an opportunity to become relevant in our customers’ conversations, in their communities, where they want to be.”

(p7) Trends in Social Business – “flatter organizations, stronger offline communities, more small businesses, greater collaboration across organizations, and tighter integration with mobile devices.”

(p17) “You gain from the new technology only if you use it to accomplish something that was not possible before.”

(p23) “Over time, technology is shifting from “command and control” to distributed, engaging, and empowering to the individual. Information, communication, and tools on the web have given individuals not only a voice, but also the power to act and to own their own online identities.”

(p41) “Why not use the social graph as our filter to make sense of the abundance of information on the web.”

(p43) “By inventing more casual modes of interaction and thereby making possible new categories of lower-commitment relationships, social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace, and LinkedIn are fundamentally changing how we live, work, and relate to one another as human beings.”

(p45) “Facebook is CRM for the masses. It is fun and intuitive, visual, active, searchable, and self-updating.”

(p47) On status messages – “It has become acceptable because social networking sites reduce the cost of both sending and processing information.”

(p50) “One of the reasons why Facebook has been so successful compared with it’s predecessors is the focus on suppporing offline networks over online-only relationships.”

(p54) On reciprocity rings – “The reason this works is that the cost of helping is generally miniscule compared with the benefit of being helped.”

(56) On asking favors on the network “… your entire network is given an opportunity without the obligation to respond, which frees you to make more requests more often because you are not expending any social capital with any one individual contact.”

(p90) Why do customers participate? “The person is not expressing anything unique about herself by being a customer advocate for Company X because everyone else on Company X’s website is also a customer advocate. . . . Social networking sites give people a semipublic forum surrounded by friends where not everyone has the same interests are affiliations.”

(p191) “. . . these three components – visibility and notification, ability to organize connections, and casual ways to interact – have remarkable come together to define an entirely new class of interaction.”

(p203) “With the social networking revolution, we are brought closer than ever to becoming people-centric instead of technology-centric. The online social graph allows our relationships and business goals, rather than technology limitations, to drive business strategies and decisions.”


The Facebook Era by Clara Shih

GUMBALLS & Social Media: Peace of Mind Gumball Machines

Monday, June 29th, 2009

I saw this at the Mall. I just couldn’t help taking a picture of it. Something to chew on.

Peace of Mind Gumball Machine

Peace of Mind Gumball Machine

The things I found amazing about this product are the online reviews. You can see that 30 people have written reviews about these gumballs, ruminating over the merits and alternatives, even suggesting recommended uses. This is a GUMBALL!! Behold the power of social media. GUMBALLS PEOPLE!!! As I read the reviews, I got a number of insights that I could easily spin into multiple campaigns. Product Review

Picture 1

If you would like to buy me a whole bag of these gumballs and send them to me I would be so grateful.

Grape Crepe Plates & Social Media as Kanban system for optimizing organizational flows of information needs

Monday, May 18th, 2009

Tonight I made crepes for the kids.  Mom and away and so I figure this is a good time for me to experiment with some new dishes.  In the picture you can see two plates we used, a little dirty, that have labels that my one son printed out and attached to the top of the plates. img_07721 While I was busy making the crepes and giving them to the kids as fast as I could make them, they were eating them almost as fast.  My son would give me back the plate as they finished the crepes.  I would know exactly which kind they wanted more of. One plate was labled WUNBGCHESE and the other plate was labeled GRAPE. I made big cheese crepes and grape jelly crepes.  Beside the obvious work on spelling for ONE, BIG, and CHEESE,  I thought this is really ingenious.  It reminded me of the Just-in-time Kanban system. Wikipedia here and shorter/better article here.

Now, I have been doing a lot of thinking about social media and twitter and whether it is a push or pull type of system.  The crepe plates and kanban are both pull systems.  Inside of large organizations (like IBM) or an extended enterprises (like an Automotive Supply Chain) there might be a nice way to implement a “plate” that lets people know there is a needed update to certain kinds of information. Maybe social media mechanisms might be able to satisfy the 4 rules of implementing a pull system in terms of a Kanban system.

The 4 Rules are:

Rule 1 – Kanban works from upstream to downstream in the production process
My thought – So an report/answer would only be created when someone needs that information.  Reports that aren’t needed aren’t produced.

Rule 2 – The upstream processes only produce what has been withdrawn.
My thought – If information/reports are broken into appropriate levels of granularity – this might allow someone to only produce a update on those sections which were used/read/consumed.

Rule 3 – Only products that are 100 percent defect-free continue on through the production line.
My thought – Only reports/information that are “true” could go through. Quality and authenticity are the most important value.

Rule 4 – The number of kanban should be decreased over time.
My thought – The number of reports/information that gets worked on should be minimized over time because if something isn’t being used, it won’t get updated – reducing the breath of information following through organization but speeding up the smaller and more focused used kinds of information.

I guess I might call this “Social Media used as an Kanban system for optimizing organization flows of information needs.”