Social Media meets Gamification
Last night at dinner with Michael Leis I shared the latest Conceptual Framework for Gamification before posting it online. Michael has extensive experience in social media. One of the things he said that really struck me was “I think the novices are much more numerous.” I asked why, and he brought up the similarities between this framework and the 1:9:90 rule.
The 1:9:90 rule would apply in such that
Masters : Originators 1%
Problem Solvers : Editors (Commentators) 9%
Novices : Lurkers 90%
The gamification allure for companies tends to center on the masters just like with social media the companies are focused on the User Generated Content that comes from the Originators, yet the pay dirt of social media comes from the lurkers, the readers, the masses. Likewise the paydirt we should look for in gamification is with the novices.
Conceptual Framework for Gamification