Bodystorming homework assignment

On Friday Feb 26 we are going to do a bodystorming exercise. We will be doing it in just two hours. To help the participants get more out of it, they will get a “homework” assignment.

The following is some homework that can help you get the most out of this exercise. It isn’t mandatory, but will help get the participants to get in the right stance.

Go buy 4 things.
As you go about purchasing these things think about what the object means for you. Also think about who you are buying it for.
1. Buy buy some stamps for mailing your bills, or a monthly transit pass.
2. Go buy your kids some pens, pencils, erasers, or notebooks for school, or
when your some needed underwear or socks for your partner.
3 Go buy some of your own favorite music or if you collect things, something that you can add to your collection.
4. Go buy some wine or food that you can share with some friends.

These are items which represent 4 shopping ecologies and can help us start to think about about feel our way through different kinds of experiences that people can have with buying things.

After you buy each of these things write a sentence or two down about each one.

If you would like to read more about shopping ecologies please go to


IxDA Local Event

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