Bodystorming & Embodied Cognition

A recenter article in the NYTimes talked about how abstract thoughts prompt literal physical responses.

This is the basic idea behind of the magic of bodystorming. Natalie writes “participants’ bodies subliminally acted out the metaphors embedded in how we commonly conceptualized . . . ” and this is exactly what happens with bodystorming.

But because bodystorming is done as a group with more than one person, there is “communication” that occurs at the level of body language, kinestics, gesturing and promemics. It is a very high context communication. And people talk about the death of powerpoint because it is a low context communication method.

The result is not just faster and better collaboration with participants, but faster and better communication to your clients. And if those clients are VC funders, this is the fastest way to get your ideas across in a rich and high context way.


“Abstract Thoughts? The Body Takes Them Literally” By Natalie Angier
Feb 1, 2010, NYTimes

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